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Female Sexual Function Index

The FSFI is a brief questionnaire measure of sexual functioning in women. 

It was developed for the specific purpose of assessing domains of sexual functioning (e.g. sexual arousal, orgasm, satisfaction, pain) in clinical trials. 

It is not a measure of sexual experience, knowledge, attitudes, or interpersonal functioning in women. 

It was not designed for use as a diagnostic instrument and should not be used as a substitute for a complete sex history in clinical evaluation.

Brief questionnaire measure of sexual functioning
Oxytocin Assessment

This test has 20 questions aimed at identifying the main clinical symptoms of oxytocin deficiency or excess, including questions about empathy, sexual life, and interpersonal relationships. The test was developed by endocrinologist T. Hertoghe, a hereditary physician, and published in his book Passion, Sex, and Long Life - the Incredible Oxytocin Adventure.

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Test yourself as a man for Testosterone Deficiency

Assessment of the clinical manifestations of testosterone deficiency in men (according to T. Hertoghe) is a test consisting of 10 questions aimed at identifying possible deficiency in testosterone levels, based on an assessment of the clinical manifestations that most often characterize this condition.

The test is not the basis for establishing a clinical diagnosis and serves only as one of the diagnostic methods.

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Оценка клинических проявлений дефицита тестостерона у мужчин (по T.Hertoghe)

Результаты данного теста не являются клиническим диагнозом и не должны использоваться в качестве обоснования применения тестостерон-содержащих препаратов.

Интерпретация теста, клиническая оценка и назначение препаратов производится врачом, имеющим компетенции в данном разделе медицины.

Данный тест адаптирован с оригинальной шкалы оценки дефицита тестостерона у мужчин T. Hertoghe. 

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